1. Place the cuff over the bare upper arm, wrap it with the tube pointing your palm, and the artery mark over your main artery. 2. The edge of the cuff should be at approximately 1.5 to 2.5 cm above the inner side of the elbow joint. 3. Using the correct cuff size is important for an accurate reading. 4. Place the stethoscope head over the main artery, underneath the artery mark of the cuff. (Fig. ) 5. With the valve closed, press the bulb and continue pumping to a value 20-30 mmHg above your normal blood pressure. (Fig. ) 6. Open the valve to deflate the cuff gradually at a rate of 2-3 mmHg per second. (Fig. ) 7. Record the onset of Korotkoff sound as the systolic pressure, and the disappearance of these sounds as diastolic pressure. 8. After measurement is completed, fully open the valve to release any remaining air in the cuff. Note: 1. Sit upright in a chair and take 5-6 deep breaths. Avoid leaning back while the measurement is being taken. 2. Do not cross the legs while sitting and keep the feet flat on the floor during measurement.
1. After measurement, wrap cuff around sphygmomanometer and bulb and store in the carrying case together with the stethoscope. 2. Always deflate cuff completely before storage. 3. Never touch the cuff fabric or parts with a sharp instrument. 4. Sphygmomanometer accuracy can be checked visually : simply be certain the needle rests under “0” when the unit is fully deflated. Under normal condition, it is recommended that calibration be completed every two years. 5. Clean the cuff with a slightly damp sponge or cloth. If necessary, it may be washed in cool water with mild soap. Remove bladder prior to washing. Rinse and air dry. Do not iron. Clean the bladder and bulb with a slightly damp sponge or cloth. To protect from cracking or discoloring, wipe with a soft cloth moistened with ethanol. Clean valve and gauge with a soft dry cloth.